Friday, March 28, 2008

Hey Boozer boy, you are sooo cheeky!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sigh........ no rest for the wicked!!

Ok I give up, take my picture, now will you go away?

Do you think you could go bother someone else just for a little while?

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ok clever clogs, you won at hide and seek. I refuse to play leap frog with you....

Ahh I see you now!! Pretty tricky Boo!!

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy, how did you do that?

Pardon Boo, you want to play a game? Ok what is it? Hide and Seek? How are you going to do that?
Yes yes i remember, a Boo must cross his front feet whilst waiting.........sigh.

Did I ever mention that Boo went through a phase of licking, didnt last long. I think he was rather embarressed to be caught on camera by the look on his face!!

Ok got me....I can only count three legs, what did you do with the other one???

Its good manners for all young Boo's to cross their front legs whilst waiting......just like this!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Time for a little flash back, a little flash back with VERY long legs.....look at that back one....holy mackeral bat man!!

Ok I give up, but take note if it happens again i will fire you....this time you will only get a puffy nose and all whiskers foward look. (Dont you just wanna grab them and smooch?) (Ok that really wasnt meant in a weird way!!)

Hey what are you doing, I thought I told you to do something. Geez slack service around here

Oh yes, this is the life, just pat my bed down for me again please

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Hey Boo...those legs are coming along fine!!Look how long they are, not quite as long as those ears though. :-)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ohhhhhh yummy that smells sooooo good!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Cough cough (clears throat) Ohhhhhhhh Booooooooo, remember how you said that you wouldnt jump and flick around whilst I have a camera in my hand? (Meanwhile I think I should be saving the poor cat...oh boy is he gonna get it!! ) :-)

Would this look have worked for the 'Disapproving Rabbits Blog'. Oh come on I think so!!
You dont really think I am going to jump up and down and flick myself around whilst you have that camera in you hand do you...stoopid human!!

Sunday, February 17, 2008

No i wasnt playing with the cats toy...ut uh...not me....ohhhh you um have a photo?

Wow, just what on earth are we going to do with those ears!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ummm...ok.....just who and WHAT are you?
Ahhh Boo....your a heart-breaker....

Ut oh...its the 'Fluffy, Blingy pillow is soooooo yummy' Boo.

Hey its the 'I still love my bottle even though I am way too big for it now' Boo!!

But why am I in a PINK bag???

Omg....its me....Boo!!

Who is that good lookin fella?